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Dawn May

Dawn May

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« IBM i Large User Group | Main | New PowerHA SystemMirror Enhancements »

February 05, 2013


This is just great. I'm looking forward to trying it. I haven't read any further, so the question that comes to mind is how does IBM i detect when flash media has been inserted into a USB port?

Hurray! My only concern is if UDF can be read on Apple MAC OS X systems in addition to Windows. Don't know that right now, but it is a requirement to make this usable by our shops/customers who use MacBook Pro's.

re detecting flash insertion: USB fabric architects how new devices are discovered and reported. The only unique implementation for flash is that when it is removed we do not mark the hardware as missing or failed.

re Apple MAC OS X. Apple is an active member of the Optical Storage Technology Association, which brought us UDF. I would expect it to work fine, but we have not done testing on Apple products.

Thanks Jim, I think so as well (re Apple).
One more thing, we carry around a 64GB USB flash drive with the current CUM and Hyper PTFs on it to install at clients. Currently we use (obviously) a PC/Macbook Pro to FTP the images to the IFS and load them into a catalog. Will this new USB capability allow us to install PTFs from the USB device directly or will we need to copy them from the drive to the IFS and proceed from there? (NOTE: we only purchase 64GB USB flash devices today, so if you could test that too, that would be great.) Thank you!

If you have IMGCLG media images, they are "just files" to us, and you can copy them to the flash, and then copy them to IFS. If you SAV to the flash, then you can install directly from the flash drive. (Like you would from a DVD-RAM). Your 64GB flash may work, we have no blocks to prevent it, but we also have no bandwidth at this time to test larger flash media.

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