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December 13, 2012


We're using Turnover, and it's pretty reliable. However, it doesn't have enough support for SQL database objects. I'm not sure if it's a limitation on our software or just something we have not implemented. Also, there is support for service programs and modules, but no support I know of for binding directories and binder source. Which change management software are you using Bruce?

Turnover does support sql. You need to find the tech note on sql. We have all sorts of sql objects and have for years. Yes there is support for binding dirs and binder source also. We use binder source a lot.

I am the VP Americas for Arcad Software and I have replace Turnover at several accounts. If you would like Brian I would be glad to have a discussion.

I am with Arcad Software and we can manage SQL and the build dependencies in our Skipper Pack. Feel free to reach out if you would like to have a discussion Brian.

Great Article Bruce and look forward to seeing you at WMCPA conference.

CM is a programmer's best friend. It doesn't matter how many programmers you have promoting objects. We wrote our own web based CM system and love it. It does only what we need. I can't imagine having to move objects from test to production (on another machine) without it.

Raz-Lee's recently released Change Tracker product complements CM products by ensuring they haven't been circumvented, whether accidentally or on purpose. Small shops without a CM may get by using this product only. Object and related source files are monitored as are IFS files and even IBM PTFs! See .


Huge experience also from our side to help you in your Change Management projects with MDCMS!

Several successful cases in the whole Americas region and Europe, replacing TO or Arcad.

Do not hesitate to contact me for further details!
Best regards

An excellent and concise article.

I work for Rocket Software (vendor of IBM i solutions: Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager, Rocket LegaSuite, and Rocket iCluster) and declare an interest.

Development on IBM i, around the world, remains healthy. In the last 12 months we’ve seen excellent growth in customers new to commercial CM solutions and customers replacing an old products. Customers large and small. This doesn't surprise me, particularly with the complications brought about by need to comply, to modernise & ‘go mobile’, to produce the higher quality code, and ever increasing business targets.

We frequently hear that some vendors in this arena have discontinued all but essential maintenance of their CM products. IMHO such vendors clearly have something other than the best interest$ of their customers in mind.

SQL is just one area where IBM continues to make significant advances on its i. It’s also an area where some vendors are at pains to provide continued support. Other examples include support for iASP technology and Digital Signatures.....but there are many more.

Are your development efforts restricted by the lack of support from your existing CM product / process? If not now, it’s a valid assumption to make that they will be in the relatively near future. How will this affect your ability to take advantages of new IBM i features? To provide advantage to your business?

Rocket Software invests significantly in the research and development of its IBM i Change Management solution. This superb platform continues to be a key area in our future development plans.

In line with my counterparts above, please contact me if you’d like to know more about how we can help you, and your business, become more successful.

First, let me apologize for not responding to you all sooner. Normally I try to respond to each and every comment, but with the holidays, I got terribly distracted.

I have used both SoftLanding's Turnover & Arcad's Skipper and have found both very full-featured. Off the top of my head I can't remember the level of SQL support (I'd be surprised if any of the major players didn't support it), but I know they both support binding directories in some fashion.

I purposely didn't want to mention names in the article as I don't want to come off as being in the pay of anyone. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, but all of the major players do a good job. Where I'm working now there is no CM product...I'm doing what I can to change that.

Thanks for all of the comments...keep them coming!


We are also a TurnOver shop and manage our SQL objects with TurnOver. You need to look at Supplement 17 - Managing SQL Objects.

Hope this helps,

We have been using Aldon LMi since 2005 and I have been very pleased with this software. Prior to using it we always seemed to end up with a problem in production because either a logical file was built over the development version of a file or the program source did not match the production version, or worse yet, the productions source had been corrupted. Now we have the confidence that when we check out an item we have the correct version and the changes tested in development will work the same in production.

Nice article. I made a similar argument a bit more humorously a few years ago here in an article titled "Programmers Should Love Change Management Software... Seriously!" at

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