I’ve always been a proponent of change. Whether it’s something as simple as mixing up my daily routine by selecting a new type of cereal at the grocery store, or more complicated, like updating the look of my home by repainting the living room. The Lipstick Theory even supports the idea that we (lipstick wearers, at least) seek change even in a tough economy.
I read an article in the newspaper yesterday about a Minneapolis-based digital marketing company that rebrands itself every 150 days. Space150 has “revolved” itself 25 times already. The concept being: the reinvention keeps offerings fresh, relevant and at the leading edge of technology.
While a complete overhaul every 150 days may seem a little radical, it does make sense to take a step back from the routine and evaluate what’s working, what needs to be shed and set new goals for future productivity. Space150’s clients agree. With names like Dairy Queen and Best Buy on their resume and 10 years under their belt, there’s something to be said about this quick-hitting approach to marketing.
So how might this relate to IBM Systems Magazine? While it’s just not practical to redesign a magazine every 150 days, there are some things we can to do keep things fresh, especially in our social-media endeavors. We’re working with a consultant from Electric Jet Interactive to evaluate and improve our offerings. Please comment below and let us know what you think is working (and where there may be room for improvement).